Saturday, December 26, 2009

I'm Back - Merry Christmas Everyone!

Hi my dear human friends,

I haven't written in a while, I apologize for that. I know a lot of you have missed me so here I am, making up for the last couple months.

A lot has happened since my last post. Even though the news of my degenerative spine condition hit me hard, I am trying hard not to be a sad pup and still wag my tail at every opportunity I get.

The biggest news you haven't heard yet is that I am now more mobile, thanks to my new wheels! That's right, I am now 4WD or 2WD or whatever, but we got me a rolling contraption from! I LOVE it! I even took it to the beach over Thanksgiving weekend and was able to run on the beach - something I haven't done in a really long time!!! I think it might even help me with the LADIES! (Though no dates yet.)

It takes a little while to get me hooked up and I have to wear booties from as without those my hind toes get raw and bloody. That's extremely painful, so hoping to not have to go through that again. I love my red booties, they look beautiful with my shiny blue wheelchair.

By the way, in case I haven't said it in a while, I love you, my dear human friends for all the love and support you have shown me. The donations helped with getting the wheelchair and this is now adding a huge amount of fun into my otherwise quite mundane life. So from the bottom of my doggie heart, THANK YOU!!!

Whisker tickles and love from Voyager

Monday, October 26, 2009

Really Bad News

My Dearest Human Friends,

My heart is hurting today as I watch my family gathering around me with sad eyes. Dad and I went to Dr. Sanders a few days ago for my pre-surgery prep and another MRI that Dr. Sanders agreed to do for just $200 (instead of $1600). The news we received was not good. In just a few months my condition has gotten significantly worse. In fact it got so bad that surgery is no longer an option for me. The condition is called Degenerative Myelopathy.

I have a few options - Dad and Mom are getting me a wheelchair so I can continue to walk around. Right now, I cannot even walk more than a few steps and to slow this disease down, exercise is crucial. Dad and Dr Sanders talked for a long time - I'm going to get a LOT of vitamins and various medicines - Dad said it doesn't matter, we will try everything to help me!

I'm scared but hope this wheelchair thing is going to help me. We got the one with off-road tires so I can get around the backyard, roll around on a trail and even walk in the water with it.

It is from this site:
I am in a state of shock right now, don't really know what else to you all, Voyager

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wonderful News from Guide Dogs for the Blind

Dearest Human Friends,

Mom and Dad received the most wonderful news today from our dear friends at Guide Dogs for the Blind! They have reviewed my case and decided that this white dog is worthy of financial support!! We have been granted $3,000 towards my back surgery so that, along with the $700 donated by my other dear human friends is a HUUUUGE step towards getting me fixed.

On the other hand....I'm not sure how much money $3,700 is, but I'm sure it would buy a LOT of doggy treats and a very very big sheepie!!! Mom was all teary-eyed when she opened the envelope and I snuggled up to her as she read it to me. I am sure sorry that I didn't become a real guide dog, but it seems that Guide Dogs loves me just the same. Thank you so much!!!!! I will give everyone involved in this decision really big doggy kisses and whisker tickles.

I would also like to dedicate this blog post to my friend, Freddie, a yellow lab like Sadie and I. He was also 6 years old like I am and he worked at the Seattle Police Department as an explosive detecting dog. Freddie died last week unexpectedly. My dad loved Freddie and played with him all the time. Rest in peace Freddie, we love you!
The Seattle Times had an article about Freddie and the incredible work he did. You may read more about Freddie by clicking HERE.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy to See the Sunshine

Good Afternoon to all my loving Human Friends!

I just wanted to say for a second that I am a labrador and I enjoy the sunshine. I'm not big on swimming and I've always been on the side where the couch and my sheepie is, I do however, enjoy the sunshine....inside that is.

Why am I such a funny dog? If someone asks me "do you want to go outside" - I bound for the door (well, "bound" is a relative concept given my current condition), but once outside, I just tend to stand around, maybe quickly do what I call my business, then report back to the door for re-admittance.

The humans in the house try to encourage "being outside", "getting a little exercise" and other nonsense like that, but personally, I just like to enjoy the outdoors from indoors. Kinda makes you wonder what kind of a guide dog I would have made, huh?

At any rate, hope everyone is having a wonderful day and is out and about getting some sun. My legs still hurt...a LOT....but the good news is that Mommy is awaiting response from Guide Dogs re: some assistance for me. Once the cooler weather rolls around, then we will be looking into the S.U.R.G.E.R.Y again. As mentioned before, not sure what this is, but it kind of sounds like a chewy, or food, so I'm not worried.

Lots of love and whisker tickles,

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Who Missed ME???

Hi dear Human Friends,

Wow, I cannot believe how fast summer is flying by, especially in doggy weeks. I just realized that I haven't posted any updates in quite a while, so here we go!

First off, how am I doing? Some of you have been so sweet and asked my mom via Facebook, and she mentioned to you that I am kind of "status quo". Not better but not worse either. I continue to be in great spirits, you guys know me, I've always been a happy-go-lucky kind of a dog. My legs hurt, buckle under me, etc., but I bumble around the yard just the same. Even I need exercise!

Here's a picture of what I call my "junk sling" that my Dad got so he can help me get around. I wouldn't say it's the MOST dignified way of being carried around as I do feel like a purse, but at least I can pretend I can walk like a normal dog. Now I also have to wear ONE shoe as this past weekend I broke a toe nail that caused a lot of bleeding. See, I drag my toe on in both of my hind legs and the nail got caught in something.

We went camping this weekend to Westport. By camping I mean I got lifted in and out of the Tahoe, got my sheepie relocated from the back of the Tahoe to the camper, got lifted in and out of the camper and briefly walked on the beach with my junk sling on. It was fun though. I sat next to my boy by the campfire, got to sniff new grass, and even ate Sadie's food several times when nobody was looking. It was a good weekend.

Drop me a line when you can, I would love to hear from you!

Much love and sniffs, Voyager

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Today I'm not having a great day. It's semi-nice outside, it would be a great to sniff around in the yard, but my heart is not in it. I'm left inside, just grateful that the window is low enough so I can see outside and try to make friends with the birds and squirrels around the bird feeder.

Just a few months ago Sadie and I were at Ocean Shores running on the beach. I am posting some pictures so you can see how fast I went downhill. These were taken in February. Look how happy I am in the back of the Tahoe and just hauling ass on the beach. I don't think I will ever be able to do that again. The waiting is the worst part.....sigh..

Sorry to bring you down my friends, it's been a difficult day for this white dog. Mom said that she met another little baby guide dog at her new office. I miss going to places with her - it was so much fun to go to Expedia and go to all the meetings. Now I'm stuck inside all the time - spending my short life waiting.

This is Sadie and I - I love her - she's my best friend. I think she's confused about what's going on with me too. She's used to seeing me frolic and now I am more of a sleeping companion.

Love to all, Voyager

Monday, June 15, 2009

Voyager Checking In

Hello Dear Human Friends,

I don't have anything new to report, but thought I'd say hi! Mom faxed my paperwork to Mary at Guide Dogs and we haven't heard back yet. Dad is going to see our favorite Dr Paik at Aerowood for a second opinion. Dad really likes him because he's very honest and straight forward. When Sadie had to have her F.A.T. bumps checked (I spelled it out as she hates it when we call her "fat"), and pretty much saved Dad a couple of thousand dollars by telling him he didn't have to have those removed. I'm sure Sadie was happy about that too.

We had a good weekend, though I tripped on my own back foot several times - talk about embarrassing. On the plus side, Mom did poop patrol in the yard. I like a clean grass as my canvas, so thank you Mom! Another good news is that we had BBQ flank steak for dinner last night and yes, that's right, there's always enough left over for the doggies. I don't understand how I could be allergic to grass and stuff, but do just fine on flank steak.

I still take pain pills twice a day. They are "cleverly" disguised in my dish - I see them, of course, but humor the humans by pretending not to so they don't have to be jammed down my throat. I guess everyone wins this way. Mom looks really worried all the time and spends extra time on the floor with me looking all lovey. I will have to remember what face I make that gets her going as it is nice to get all the love.

The boy is almost out of school - Wednesday is his last day so that means he'll be home more. Yay, I love him!
I'm getting tired, so I'll wrap this up. Will write soon when there's more to report.

Whisker tickles to all - Voyager